
UMP Bloggers Button

University Malaysia Pahang (English: University of Malaysia, Pahang) (UMP) is a Malaysian government university. It was formerly known as Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Malaysia (English: University College of Engineering & Technology Malaysia) (KUKTEM).
Please use this page to add your blog.
We will update our post regularly about latest issues in UMP based on your blog posts.

UMP Blog Official Fan Page

We are pleased to announce the official fan page of this site already created. Please show your support by click the like button. We will ping your blog regularly.

Perhatian : Hanya blog yang mempunyai UMPBLOGGER button sahaja yang akan di ping atau postkan latest entry mereka di FB FAN PAGE secara terus menerus oleh rss feed kami.

Sila letakkan button UMPBlogger di blog anda dan laporkan di shoutbox. Harap Maklum.

Button UMPBloggers

Button UMPBloggers sudah selesai diselenggara :D
Sila update image link untuk UMPBloggers Button.

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